

I'm busy in the studios making work to sell at various spring arts and craft shows, as well as work on new and ongoing projects. Follow my progress on Instagram or Bluesky

My work is project based. Here are the currently ongoing and most recently completed projects:  


The proliferation of naked selfies on the Internet is simultaneously shocking and banal, depending on who is doing the Google search. For this series I am re-creating such found images as white line woodcuts. The translation into woodcuts recontextualizes this photographic imagery and thereby invite reactions and associations that greatly differ from those typically evoked by the original images. Maybe some of these woodcuts will be seen by the people who took the original photographs. If so, I wonder, will they recognize themselves? CLICK HERE for images 


This project was the product of a long-term ARiM (Artist in Residency in Motherhood.) ARiM is a self-directed open source artist residency for artists who are also mothers. Through this body of work, I collaborated with my 11 year old child Bebe, using pigs as a symbol of vulnerability to explore motherhood, childhood, neurodiversity, and gender queerness. 

This collection of woodcuts, ceramics, and an installation was exhibited at 1040 Creative in November of 2023.



 PERCY THE CLOWN (What I Did During COVID Shutdowns) 

This is a performance art project that mostly consists of videos and drawings that are shared on social media platforms. Most of the works are presented as being by the fictional character of Percil Alphaeous, although sometimes Percy is merely a participant or even a minor character. This work can be explored by following these links: 

Percy's YouTube Channel 
Percy's Instagram




In 2018 I purchased a 22-week CSA (Community Supported Agriculture) full share from Red Earth Farm in Kempton, Pennsylvania. Each week I kept all of the stems, leaves, peels, seeds, and any other vegetable matter that I didn't cook and consume and turned it into 10" x 10" sheets of paper. Each week's material yielded 2-4 sheets of paper. Some of the work from that experience was exhibited in Food Justice in Appalachia at the WVU Libraries in 2022. CLICK HERE for sample images of the 2018 work. In 2021 I began creating linocuts inspired by products I receive in my CSA with Philly FoodWorks, and these were used in a calendar that was partially used to fundraise for that organization's charitable works in the community.  

Here's a 20 minute talk I gave about The CSA Project at 3rd Street Gallery in April of 2022: 




From August 31, 2019-August 30, 2020 I created price tag prints that displayed the cost of submission fees for artist's opportunities. The prints were posted publicly - pay what you want - until each deadline, after which artist's proofs were archived and all remaining in the editions were destroyed.

All 160 price tag prints from the project can be viewed on the SUBMIT Pinterest Album

Here is a 17 minute video I created about the SUBMIT project after its completion: